Kelley & Associates

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Video’s Latest Victim

Video killed the radio star, is your company next on its hit list?

The ability to make, deliver and utilize video is more important now than ever, especially with social media and changes in connected TV streaming ads. Previously, video as a medium overtook classic radio with the introduction of MTV’s combination of visuals and audio. Now, we’re seeing how video is once again toppling giants and changing the landscape of content, this time with social media and streaming platforms.

You may not need the examples to be pointed out, but just in case, we’re going to do that now. Both Facebook and Instagram have been social media behemoths known for their ability to deliver constant streams of beautiful photos and messages. Recently, due to the combination of staying power from YouTube along with the rise of new social media platforms like TikTok which focus purely on delivering video to the masses, Facebook and Instagram have been forced to adapt. What you might not know is that both of these platforms have adjusted their algorithms which decide what content users are shown. In order to keep up with the consumers’ desires for video content, Facebook and Instagram have begun prioritizing videos over still photos when users scroll through their feeds. Even the classic definition of TV has changed with the emergence of countless streaming platforms. These platforms are utilizing connected viewer data to match video ads with specific consumers.

Experts at Cisco estimate that in 2022 online videos will make up more than 82% of all consumer internet traffic—15 times higher than just five years prior.1
78% of people watch videos online weekly and 55% of those watch daily.2
86% of businesses use video as a marketing tool — up from 63% over the last three years.3
1.1 billion Subscriptions to streaming services globally 79% of U.S. households - watch ad-supported and paid streaming services.4

What Makes Video a Must-Have Approach?

Video engages sight and sound while displaying motion in a multisensory connection that aids in both brand awareness and recall—while delivering the message to target viewers every time the video is shown. Video helps increase engagement on digital and social channels and educates your audience. 

Think about the last time you needed to know how to do something. 

  • Did you look for an article, or did you look for a video where someone explained how to do something and they walked you through each step of how to do it? Videos make consuming, learning, and understanding a topic much easier and can go more in-depth.

Think about the term and trend of “Viral Videos”. 

  • Videos are inherently made to share. They deliver everything from comedy and cuteness to catastrophes and crowdfunding causes. With the right mix of information and emotion, a video can go viral and spread regionally, nationally, and even globally. In comparison, have you ever heard of a Viral Document? There’s just something about videos that make people want to share them and experience them with others.

Think about what video actually does.

  • To explain the capabilities of video you really only need a two-word statement: Video engages. Video has been shown to increase conversion rates, boost brand awareness, elevate brands to top-of-mind positions, and drive consumer loyalty. These results are specifically due to video’s ability to engage viewers more easily, more deeply, and more dynamically than other types of content. 

So, what do you think about implementing video into your strategy now?

Over the years, Kelley & Associates has delivered a variety of video work for many of our clients because we believe it is a necessary tool in everyone’s marketing approach. We work on video editing in-house and collaboratively with some incredible video production companies which allow us the flexibility to offer you a wide range of video solutions. We’re always excited to help you add video to your marketing mix or upgrade your current video capabilities. You can view some of our video work in our video demo reel below.



